Buku Saku Anti Korupsi "Memahami Untuk Membasmi" oleh KPK salah satu wahana memberikan pengetahuan akan kepekaan DAN PENTINGNYA memberantas korupsi.

Sesuai dengan visi dan misi KPK yaitu;

The Corruption Eradication Commission's Vision

"Realizing a Corruption-free Indonesia"

While this vision may seem simple it contains a deep insight. This vision showcases a strong will on the part of the CEC to solve all obstacles in the fight against corruption. Corruption eradication in Indonesia will take a significant amount of time and effort, as there are no instant solutions, what Indonesia needs is the addressing of the problem of corruption in a comprehensive and systematic manner.

The Corruption Eradication Commission's Mission

"Become the Catalyst of Change to Realize a Corruption-free Nation"

The focus of this mission is that the CEC shall become the agency that will cultivate the culture of anti-corruption in Indonesian society, government, and business world. The CEC is aware that without the holistic participation of society, the government, and the business world the fight against corruption will never succeed. It is hoped that the participation of all components of the public will greatly improve the chances of realizing a corruption-free Indonesia in the next few years.
