TEN Ways To Reduce Household Waste

Garbage and waste have become enemy for all family in the world. Most of family can produce a huge number of .household waste in a day. especially when there was a party in their house. for saving the world and the environment there are 10 easy ways to reduce the household waste.

Bulk Stores rule! No wrapping, no packaging, no frills – just about anything you may need sits in large bins, ready to scoop. From pasta to peanut butter (self-ground) and anything in between. Just go easy on those chocolate chips.

(Bring Your Own Bag). Bring a cool-looking tote to take your groceries away in, and forgo those plastic carrier bags that stay around for the next few millennia.

Most cities and towns have a recycling program in place for paper, glass, tin, even kitchen waste. Garages will take your old car batteries and tires. Many hardware stores will take your old paint, batteries and old CFLs.

your kitchen scraps. Your flower beds will be happy

Lug Your Mug
for take-out coffee; many places will even give you a discount for it.

Avoid take-out food.
I know, that can be a challenge on a Friday night. But all those plastic and foam take-out boxes produce a big stream of toxic garbage.

Eat home-cooked meals
. Okay, another potential mine field here, but let’s face it: all those plastic and aluminum trays that those frozen dinners and prepackaged meals come in don’t really compensate for their overload of sodium, saturated fats and missing vitamins.

Drink tap water
instead of bottled water. Evian and Perrier are no longer cool.

, don’t throw out. Need I say more?

Buy durable.
Sure, it may be a little bit more to get the better quality product, but it will last much longer and always pays for itself in the long run.

Hopefully those ways may help us yo reduce and keep our environment and world.
